06 Apr 2018

The data says: These are the most popular airline Passenger Service Systems worldwide

There’s a lot of data out there, and recent analysis looked at which Passenger Service Providers were most popular in regions around the world. As you’ll see below, the race is quite tight for the second and third positions, while the global winner has a healthy margin of dominance over the runners-up. A telling acquisition certainly played out well for the winner in this particular view of the data.

The analysis was provided by Yieldr. The company’s CEO Joe Vito DeLuca explained the reason behind the analysis in an email to tnooz:

Because of the need for digital solutions and advanced technology, the airline industry is moving rapidly. Global airlines are constantly switching and adopting tech to help fill seats, increase total revenue and keep people moving.

This is especially apparent in the sector of passenger service systems (PSS). Airlines are being faced with an increasing number of options as they search for the right solution to serve travelers.

The company took the total number of available seat kilometers (ASK) from each airline and then matched to its PSS. The ASK data was pulled from intelligence company OAG during the week of October 30th, 2017.

This view thus favors airlines who fly more miles on aggregate, regardless of passenger counts or the number of flights. Given the relative distances involved, short-haul flights might actually have more passengers per mile flown than long-haul flights. Short-haul carriers with more routes and more planes would also have more available seat kilometers.

There are many factors at play here, and while the analysis is solid, the distinction between available seat kilometers, revenue per available seat kilometer, and actual passengers boarded is an important caveat.

Here’s how the numbers played out, offering a revealing look into the global competitive environment of the technology solutions businesses of the world’s largest travel tech and distribution companies.

Data analysis provided by Yieldr