21 Jul 2017

Move over bots, email is still the boss

US consumers prefer travel and hospitality brands to communicate with them via email rather than other channels, says a new study from Campaign Monitor.

While there is an element of “MRDA ” – an email marketing firm releases a study which says how great email marketing is – the research was independent and carried out by Market Cube.

Overall, the study found that more than half the 1000-strong sample check their personal email account more than ten times a day.

When asked about travel and hospitality brands, email was by far the “most preferred channel” for communications when given a choice of options. Direct mail is slightly more popular than apps and social media, with push notifications the least preferred option.

email - pref commsPeople might be checking their emails ten times a day, but how can travel brands persuade recipients to open their message? For travel brands, it appears that highlighting a discount within the subject generates a slightly stronger response than personalising the subject line.

email - discount vs pers
So presumably, a personalised subject line which also highlights a discount would generate an even bigger response.

And to really focus on the call-to-action potential, Millennials are the most responsive to emails. This age group –  under 35 and over 18 – has a “greater propensity to take action”, across all the verticals covered.

Click here to see the survey results in full.

NB Image by BigStock