27 Jun 2017

Voice already making an impact on search says Google

Consumers say they search more than ever since the advent of voice search on mobile according to Google UK research.

The search giant has polled some 3,000 consumers to reveal that three-quarters say they search more now.

The study also shows 67% use text search via mobile several times a day and 51% use both voice and text and voice interchangeably.

The research goes on to reveal that those who started using voice in the past six months are the “most frequent adopters” with 42% saying they use it daily.

This compares with those who started using it more than four years ago with only 25% saying they use if frequently.

Further key findings:

  • 45% believe voice will be the future search tool
  • 83% agree voice search makes it easier to search for things any time
  • 89% perceive voice search will enable quicker searches than today. They also expect Google will recognise their voices and be able to respond
  • 57% say they would use voice search more if it recognised more complex searches
  • 58% say they would like more detailed results
  • And, 42% believe their usage would increase if knew the best ways to use voice search

The research also looks at the speed of web pages to load to reveal that age plays a role in whether consumers feel frustrated.

While 50% of Millennials are more frustrated by slow web page loads, only 28% of those aged 35-44 felt the same.

Interesting to note that how consumers are feeling has an influence speed of search. One quarter feel search is too slow when they’re sitting down while, unsurprisingly this increases to 48% for those on the go.

Matt Bush, director of agencies, Google UK, says:

“By taking time to learn how consumers are using it, considering the impact external factors have on consumer perceptions, as well as acknowledging ways search can be enhanced across voice, text and mobile platforms, it will become a hugely successful channel of communication that will lead to personal and engaging connections with those who matter most – consumers.”

Related reading:

Voice search and its impact on the travel industry