Expedia adds reviews analysis to partner armoury to help hotels gauge feedback
By cameron in Uncategorized
Expedia has developed technology to help hotels get a handle on how their guests feel about a property or a stay by analysing reviews.
Guest Review Insights aims to aggregate and organise reviews and provide hoteliers with information they can act on such as services they like or elements they would like to see.
The technology has four elements:
- It reads every guest review Expedia has received in the past year and draws out guest sentiment by facilities and services. Feedback is gauged on 30 property categories.
- It enables hotels to filter between positive and negative guest feedback on the most popular services that come up in guest reviews.
- Hotels can also compare insights about their property’s facilities and services against competitive hotels of their choosing. This helps them to identify strengths as well as areas for improvement.
- The reviews tool also provides properties with trend graphs plotting feedback over time. This enables hotels to gauge the impact of any changes made on the guest experience.
The reviews technology, which is being extended to English-speaking properties currently, is available through the company’s partner area, Expedia PartnerCentral.
Just over two years ago the company announced live reviews enabling hotels to see instantly see feedback and potentially act on it to improve the guest experience.
Expedia has been steadily building out its services for hotel partners in recent months.
Alongside Guest Review Insights, the company announced partnerships to power holiday packages for Marriott Vacations and to help drive loyalty for Red Lion hotels.
It also unveiled its Rev+ revenue management technology last autumn to help hotels monitor competitors and optimise pricing.