24 Jan 2017

The ins and outs of search for family trips

Family trips can be more complicated than any other type of travel to organise – with multiple requirements and more than just one person to please.

That’s the slightly simplistic view, but many will recognise that high levels of United Nations-accredited diplomacy are often required on such tasks that, in the end, make other parts of travel seem like a walk in the park (without kids).

Yet if consumers find it difficult, then the same must be said for how tricky it must also be for marketers as they attempt to target potential customers.

This is probably a rhetorical question.

Bing recently carried out a major study of the online behaviour of those looking for family trips and how it all relates, in particular, to their activity in search.

Here follow a series of charts with the results and analysis:

family trips 1


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NB: Family trips image via Pixabay.